Assisted Living Facilities Offering Memory Care For Dementia Patients

It is a common scenario. You have one parent at a senior home in Dumfries, but the other one is still living at home. You see your independent parent starting to struggle with their situation, yet you know they are not yet ready for assisted living themselves. How do you know when it is time to step in and get your parent some in-home care?

Condition of the House

Is your mother or father unable to keep up with basics such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry? Is there yardwork that your father used to take
senior living woodbridge of that your mother is not strong enough to take on? If you have visited your mother recently and noticed she is unable to keep up the house to her normal standards, chances are she would love to have someone come and help her with at least one inside or outside chore.

Mobility Issues

Many houses have laundry facilities in the basement, and tackling stairs for an elder with balance or mobility issues can be risky at best. Many seniors are also in jeopardy of falling during bath time. Rather than simply crossing your fingers that no accidents occur, consider having an in-home aide help with laundry and bath time several hours a week.


Even your parent may admit they can’t see like they used to, and that they have trouble driving in heavy traffic or in challenging weather conditions. If they feel homebound because they can’t drive as often as they like, they may appreciate help once or twice a week with groceries, simple errands, or even with drives to medical appointments.

Visiting Dad is the Priority

Your mother may feel that visiting your father in assisted living is her one and only priority. If she is with Dad for many hours each day, her own needs are no doubt being neglected. Having someone come to the house while your mother is out would not only take a big load off her plate, but allow her to spend more precious time with your father.

You want what is best for your parent, so if you notice their house, yard or apartment is an uncharacteristic mess, they have mobility issues, they no longer drive confidently, or if they simply want to spend more time visiting a loved one already in assisted living, step in and arrange some in-home care to help ease the situation. Your parent will appreciate your efforts to extend the time they can stay in their own home.

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