Assisted Living: Preparing To Move

After people have selected an assisted living facility to move into, they must still go through the process of preparing to move and making the transition. This may require a decent amount of work from family members to help determine which belongings will go to the new home, as well as ensuring that the care provided by the facility will be adequate. With more information about common concerns related to moving to a senior home in Roanoke, families can minimize stress during the moving process.

Sorting Through Possessions

Most people who are moving to an assisted
assisted living home roanoke arrangement from their own homes will need to prioritize which belongings they want to bring with them. Many people can do this on their own, but others may need some assistance from family members to decide what they should keep. The goal is to take the most important pieces to the new home, without creating too much clutter in the new space. Relatives who come to help sort through things should take care to help the person keep the items that are considered vital.

Arranging for Care

Assisted living facilities usually create a care plan to ensure that their residents will receive the care they need, while preserving as much independence as possible or as desired. In some cases, the care determined by the care plan may prove insufficient after moving. Caregivers should invest the time to determine how the facility can change a care plan to provide services at a higher level, as needed. This may include full-time nursing care and short-term rehabilitation.

Ensuring a Good Transition

Anyone might feel some trepidation about moving away from a home where they have lived for decades. However, those suffering from dementia need more care to make sure that the transition to assisted living runs smoothly. This includes visiting the care facility several times, at different time of the day. Coming to attend meals or activities prior to moving helps to establish the place as familiar. On moving day, arranging treasured possessions in the new room or apartment, or setting up a room in a similar fashion to the old room, avoids some concern about the change.

Moving day can be a stressful experience for anyone. By making careful plans and respecting family members, people can move into a senior home in Roanoke with less hassle.

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