“700 Sundays” By Billy Crystal, A Book Review

Some residents in assisted living san diego in San Diego may suffer from (or suspect) cataracts. A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. Over fifty percent of all Americans who are age 65 and older have cataracts. In addition, by the time a senior turns age 80, over half of them will have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes, but It cannot move from one eye to the other.

Symptoms of Cataracts

Cloudy, blurry vision

Increasing nearsightedness

Double vision

Changes in the way color is perceived

Problems driving at night, like glaring headlights

Sudden change in glasses or contact prescription

Diagnosis of Cataracts

An eye care professional can diagnosis cataracts after a thorough eye exam that will include several assessments. Multiple measures are needed to ensure accurate diagnosis.

A test of visual acuity: This assessment will determine how well the patient sees at various distances.

Tonometry: This assessment is taken with an instrument which reads the pressure inside the eye. An eye care professional may administer numbing drops to the eye prior to the assessment.

Dilation: Pupils will be dilated after drops are put in eyes. A magnifying lens is used by the eye care professional to study the optic nerve and retina, looking for damage or any other problems. Close-up vision might stay cloudy for a few hours following this assessment.

Treatment of Cataracts

If acceptable, an eye care professional may issue a new prescription, bifocals, or contacts to treat a cataract. Some vision loss, however, cannot be corrected with such a simple solution. If not, cataract surgery may be scheduled. It may be necessary to remove the blurry lens and replace it with a new artificial lens. Though surgery sounds daunting to many people, this one is not. It is typically done on an outpatient basis and has great success with restoring vision for seniors. Cataract surgery in America is performed more than any other type of surgery. Of more than 1.5 million cataract surgeries completed annually, over 90% of those have improved vision following the procedure.

Eye care professionals may be able to recommend low vision services and devices to those who have lost sight due to cataracts. A professional can provide a referral to a low vision specialist. Also some communities and organizations provide training and other services for those with visual impairments.

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